Monday, July 23, 2012

Fast, Slow and In Between

July 23, 2012  PADDLING  adventure: Blue Lake in Churubusco, IN

Sometimes the simple trips close to home are just what a person needs.   We were invited to our friends’ home on Blue Lake for late afternoon and evening water activities.   Because of local guidelines, all “fast” water activities can only take place between the hours of 1-4 pm daily.   We got to Liz and Bob’s beautiful waterfront home in just enough time to tear around the mostly empty Blue Lake on jet skis.  Tom was given the “slow” jet-ski, while Liz and I jetted around the lake as fast as possible.  Sorry, but there are no pictures, because actually, it would have to be a video to get the true contrast between our jet-ski rides.

After speeding around, a gentle pontoon ride with swimming off the side seemed in order….until we realized that the pontoon was quickly drifting away from us because of a brisk wind, despite being anchored in the water.   We clamored on board again and finished the leisurely trip around the lake.  After being treated to a great dinner of chicken enchiladas (yes food is important on paddles too!), it was time for the main event. 
Bob and Tom kayaking on Blue Lake.

Tom’s favorite paddling times are in the evenings at sunset, when you can get some pretty colorful skies as the sun goes down. 

Blue Lake during the week is a quiet spot (except for the crazies who blasted their pontoon stereo as they swam nearby… that necessary?), perfect for leisurely paddles, and tonight was perfect.  However, as we paddled and chatted, a strange motor was heard, and, across the lake, an unusual boat hit the water…it was an AIRBOAT!
Not your typical Blue Lake watercraft.

Now, we know about airboats from visiting the Okefenokee Swamp in Florida a few years back ….and from watching FLIPPER during the 1960s.  Anyway, during our Florida trip, Tom got to DRIVE an airboat, almost upsetting it and sending our real driver into the swamp, complete with alligators!  He hasn’t lived that down yet!

Since I was sure I wasn’t in Florida, and pretty sure there were any alligators in Blue Lake, an airboat would be the last type of watercraft I was expecting to see.  I quickly paddled over for a closer look, and chatted with its owner, who has a goal of using it to provide river trips in FW.   He had a fairly successful business on the river during the previous week’s 3 Rivers Festival, but struggles with a consistent business as the FW rivers have been recently lowered to allow for summer maintenance.  He envisions strapping on a couple of kayaks, airboating up the river for a while, and then allowing the kayakers to paddle their way back to the start.  If he ever gets that business of the ground, sign me up.  I HATE having to backtrack on a paddle just to get back to the car…..ride one way, paddle back.  Sounds like a great plan to me!!!

Thanks to Liz and Bob for fantastic afternoon and evening water adventures  of all speeds  on Blue Lake…and thanks Bob for being Tom’s helper with our kayaks…I enjoyed sitting that part out.


  1. Looks like fun and the sky was beautiful. We have had many wonderful sunsets this summer in St. Louis. Remember when you were a teenager and our friends taught you to ski on the Mississippi River and you finally dropped off in front of a ferry boat? Kinda of scarey for this mother to see that. You looked really little floating in the Mississippi River.
    Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sue and Tom.

  2. Only you, SueLough, would find an airboat on Blue Lake!
