Sunday, July 15, 2012

Festival Ride and Junk Food!

July 15, 2012  PEDALS adventure:  I could be wrong, but I think this is the first back-to-back 10+ mile bike trips we have taken, and on days that  90+ degrees with full sun, no less.  However,  we are happy to say that it went without a hitch but it did need several water bottles.
Chalk street drawing of
Tom's favorite book
We picked up the Maumee trail, which happens to be my favorite Rivergreenway Trail, at a trailhead close to Kraeger Park near New Haven.  We were joined on the ride by Ryan and Heidi, who like this path because it is just a short drive from their house to the trailhead.  It is a couple of miles east of where we typically start the Maumee, but it was worth it as it is (at least half way) wooded and shady!  We met quite a few people coming back on the trail (the parking lot had quite a few cars in it) so others must have been inspired also to brave the sun and heat for a chance to ride along the river. 
"Balloon Dogs Playing Poker"
Again storm damage in the way of trees downed were all along the path.  However, the path itself was clean of brush , limbs and trees…way to go FW city government.   I was reminded about a letter to the editor that I read this morning in the Journal Gazette, thanking city workers who were seen by some bikers on the trail as they were cleaning up the path.   Without their work this week, this ride would have been impossible.   There are still trees that are somewhat propped up by other trees, so the effects of the storm will not be over in just one clean up.
Butterfly Sidewalk Chalk art 
We arrived downtown and, after parking our bikes, walked among the chalk drawings on Main Street, which was one of the 3 Rivers Festival Events.  The creativity, vibrant colors and variety of subject matters made for a lot of interesting pictures.  We also walked through the booths of the Art Show where we unexpectedly reconnected with fellow teachers (now retired) from over 25 years ago.  It is fun when various time periods in one’s life collide into a unexpected connection. Time sure flies!
Of course, a trip to Junk Food Alley had to be part of the adventure, so we braved the crowds (which were curiously low) and got spiral spuds, a funnel cake and a lemon shakeup which we shared.  YUM! We did have a few raindrops (not enough to count), but nothing significant. 
The trip held nothing unusual or different, just a great ride along the river,  a chance to experience the 3 Rivers Festival and some of our favorite junk food...a perfect ride in my book!
The stats: 10.82 m (RT), Time: 1hr. 12 min, ODO: 311.14 miles

Notable Nature Sightings:  none, except for the shade of the trees on the Maumee River bank, for which we were very thankful


  1. Only you, SueLough, would stumble upon--"Balloon Dogs Playing Poker!"

  2. The food sounded yummy. That is the fun thing about activities in the park. The workers must have come out right away and cleaned up the mess. Those were some big trees that were knocked down. Shame since it takes so many years to grow a tree like that.
    Sometimes I wish we still had our bikes like we did in Wheaton. Seems likes eons ago.
